Fundraising for The Ridgewood Singers
Help The Ridgewood Singers with their funding activities by using some of the following programs
and shopping tools. None of these programs affects you in any way. By joining or purchasing products
The Ridgewood Singers gets a percentage of the purchase or program. Thank you for your support.
TD Bank - TD Bank Affinity Program - simply advise your bank representative you want to designate The Ridgewood Singers to participate in their program. It costs you nothing, but the Singers will benefit from this designation!
Scholarship Fund - Tom DeLorenzo Music Scholarship - we gratefully accept donations - a scholarship is given to a graduating senior of Ridgewood High School pursuing music education.
Cherrydale Farms - Catalog shopping. Click on 'Shop Now'. Click on Yellow info line. Then enter
your name at 'Student Name' prompt and enter 'the ridgewood singers' at 'School Name' prompt.
Then begin shopping.